Importing a database .dump file

  1. Install the Neo4j Desktop application. These instructions were written for version 1.5.7.

  2. Download one of our .dump files

  3. Open Neo4j Desktop and click the blue “Add” button and select “File”.


  4. Select the .dump file and click open.


  5. The filename should now appear in the “File” section towards the bottom of the client.


  6. Hover over the uploaded dump file so that three dots appear to the right of the file. Select “Create new DBMS from dump”.


  7. Enter a database name and password that is at least 8 characters long, e.g., “nic” and “password”, respectively.

  8. Select the version number 5.5.0 (unless otherwise specified with the .dump file).

  9. Select “Create”. Database creation make time several minutes.

  10. Install the APOC plugin by selecting the DBMS, then in the top of the right panel select “Plugins”, and finally open “APOC” and select the blue “Install” button.

  11. Open an interactive graph query window by clicking “Open” when hovering over the database name.

Please see example queries for each databases. “Getting Started with Cypher” by Neo4j provides a tutorial for writing queries.